
Minggu, 25 Maret 2012


Hi!  We hope you are having a fantastic day today!  Today we have an interesting question about the importance of slang (and idioms) when using English.

You use a lot of slang when speaking.  These are very useful for listening but it's very difficult to use when I'm speaking.  It's a big problem actually.  What should I do?
This is a very common question.   

As you know,  real spoken English has a lot of slang.   This is one reason that movies can be very difficult to understand.  

Of course, our lessons are designed to teach you slang.  We use natural slang in all of our conversations. 

When not using our lessons, we recommend that you use an idiom dictionary.  It will help you understand movie subtitles and other real English audio. 

However, as you mentioned in your question, it is much easier to UNDERSTAND slang than to USE it when speaking.   You may know the meaning of a slang phrase, but you are not sure exactly how and when to use it. 

What should you do about this? 

The solution is very very easy:  DO NOT USE SLANG WHEN SPEAKING! 

That's right-- there is absolutely no need to try to use English slang when you speak.  

You MUST understand slang because real English speakers use it constantly.  However, you only need to understand it when listening.  

When you speak,  just use standard, direct, general English.   You can say everything you want to say using standard English.   Understand slang, but don't use it in your own speech.

Why?  Because slang is more than just vocabulary.  Many slang phrases have subtle cultural meanings and uses.   If you were not born in the country, it is very very difficult to know EXACTLY how/when to use slang. 

When we hear learners try to use slang, they usually sound strange and funny.  They know the meaning of the phrase, but they use it in wrong situations-- in the wrong way.  

So our simple advice:   Learn to understand slang...   but use only standard general English in your own speech.   You'll understand everything and will sound capable and intelligent when you speak.

Enjoy your English learning!!

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